View Profile AshfordPride
This userpage was made for me. Drr... Drr... Dr...

Age 34, Male

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New York

Joined on 7/9/05

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Didn't we have some fun though?

Posted by AshfordPride - February 3rd, 2008

I'm done with the BBS. Canas said it right, go read his speech again if you want to know why I'm leaving. But, let me just put a little personal touch on it.

This is such a mediocre forum. You'd think a forum with dozens of mods and a clear outline of the rules wouldn't suck so much. But no, all that did was send us into a horrific state of mediocrity. People are rarely funny, or interesting. The only thing that ever gets discussed is video games and everything else that can actually be discussed just ends up as a shouting match. I hate it.

I see so many threads about what some punk did during his day. How he pwned this bully at school, or how he can't get a girlfriend or who the fuck cares what else. The userbase as a whole is so horrifically dull.

Can we talk about a cool old game that we enjoyed? Can we talk about Chowder or Avatar or some cool new anime? Maybe you guys found a cool website that you'd like to share?

And it's not like we can just post some funny pictures and have a good laugh. We've tried that. All that happens is that someone posts the kitty sniper over and over.

Not to brag, but I am considered one of the funniest users on the forum. Few reasons why this isn't a good thing.

Nobody gets my jokes. I can't make a joke about some anime series without some fagot popping in to tell me that anime sucks. I can't make a joke about a video game without someone asking me what game it's from. And I can't make a joke period without running the risk of being banned.

And if I'm the funniest person on the forum... A "master creator," then what does that make the rest of you? I'm here to be entertained, not to be glorified. I don't care about stats or post count or honor, I just want to be entertained...

Read these reviews. Read all of them, because I did. I can't take this. You're all so terribly fickle. God, I make one of the biggest splashes in the Flash Portal in 2005 and then I make ONE JOKE of a flash and I get swarmed like I'm the anti-Christ. At first it was funny, but then the reviews just kept coming.

Even on the BBS people just love to act like idiots. This is terrible.

And everyone acts so defensive. Like they need to be cool. Like they have something to prove. I have a feeling that most people are here to become popular, not to have fun.

I'm sick of being banned. I've been here for 2+ years and have 15,000+ posts, I know how things are supposed to go down. Bans should be reserved for idiots who are blatantly breaking the rules on purpose. The folks who post the same shit over and over again or don't listen to other people telling them to stop.

God, whatever happened to locks? Why not just give me a warning? Tell me that you don't like what I'm doing. The mods are so damn subjective, I don't know who's going to ban me for what. Just tell me that this thread wasn't good, or that I shouldn't do something. I'm actually a pretty smart fellow.

To another forum. One where there are more people like me. I don't care if you don't like it, I love it there. They don't lump everything into a General forum. If I don't want to be bombarded with shit about video games, I can go to another section and talk about cartoons.

Some of you guys are great people. You make me laugh, you make me think, and you've made me enjoy the past couple years on this forum. You know who you are. If one of you would be so inclined to make a thread about this on the BBS, be my guest.

Goodnight and good luck.

Didn't we have some fun though?


Well done BBS you piece of shit.

Does this mean more time for flash though?

Yeah, hopefully. I'd really like to do a music video for the Ashley song from Super Smash Brothers Brawl...



The only question that remains is: How long is it until we are being banned and ordered and attacked like we live in Nazi Germany at the smallest of things while the normal topics that survive are filled with the intelligence of Runescape?

In Nazi German, oven bakes you!

Shit, hey i can understand your frustration.

if you truly are leaving for good. I'd like to say you were one of the more unique users here and i enjoyed my PM chats with you.

Good luck out there on the frontier that is....the internet.

You're a good one, Mendou.

And it's just 4chan, lol.

Tongue-in-cheek humor in your Goodbye post? Haha, awesome.

I would ask you to stay, but that's selfish. Your job isn't to entertain us; you're here to be the one who's entertained. I've always wondered why you would put up with the prepubescent kiddies that roam the site, and now I don't have to.

See you on /v/ and /co/ and sometimes /a/.

Oh, fuck yes, /v/.

LOL okay, and i was just about to add, MAN TAKE THIS TIME TO GET OUT THERE, AND FIND YOUR Misaki.

But 4chan's cool too......just not /b/ in my opinion.

Oh, dear God, no. I wouldn't be caught dead on /b/.

And Misaki is a lie, a dream. I refuse to look for her.

Oh God, they can do no wrong.

Oh, I was also going to add something, too.

You had Chris Silverscreen as your avatar for a while. That image became so associated with you, that every time I played Makes No Difference, I thought "Hai, I'm playaen AshFordPride's mission ololol,".

Also, your flashes introduced me to the Phoenix Wright games. This was before I lurked imageboards, so I didn't know about that game. Now, I'm eagerly anticipating Apollo Justice. A few more days, and I'm leaving the den to buy it.

Fun, fun, fun!

Those lyrics speak to me.

Now that youre older lifes weighing on your shoulders.
You cant seem to keep things so perfectly straight.

With most things so basic you might as well face it.
You cant help but worry its all just begun.

That sums it up nicely.

I apologize for capitalizing the F.


You'll be back. The bbs is like African American people; once you go black, you'll be left with child support.

Yeah, no. The BBS is the hamburger of the internet. I'm going to go eat a steak.

Well, Ashford, if you want to leave... Then that's your choice. But we will all miss you. If I was ever involved in the sorts of things that made you decide to go, then I am sorry, and I would take them back if I could.

Sometimes there are threads like the ones you want to see. Sometimes people do share cool websites with the rest of the site, sometimes people do want to discuss anime or television. But usually the BBS is filled with cock jokes, which some enjoy, but some do not, or with gay threads about some middle-schooler's day...

A wise man once told me to be the change I want to see. I would repeat that advice to you now, but it seems you have tried, and too many treated General like it was /b/ despite your attempts to post well and get into entertaining discussions. I only wish that those who want /b/ would return to their precious /b/, that people like yourself could enjoy Newgrounds, and not be themselves exiled to 4chan.

Goodbye Ashford. You and everything about you will be missed.

You think that the people who post that 4chan garbage on here actually go to 4chan? Do you think InuyashaNaruto555, age fourteen, could handle /b/?

No, they post stuff that they hear and they think they're expected to join in. Nobody ever talks about the interesting stuff on 4chan, they just repost the same lame may mays over and over again.

If people actually went to 4chan, and watch anime and cartoons and played good video games, then that would be fantastic. But it's just some idiot kids trying to be cool.

It won't be the same without you.

*Plays Goodbye Goodbye by Oingo Boingo.*

Probably not.

*Plays Little Girls vy Oingo Boingo*

I are sad. :c

I'll always be in your heart, Simba.

I'm very saddened by the news. You're one of those users who if I see your alias pop up on "Topic Starter" or "Last Post" I'll make sure to look at that topic in question for either a laugh or something a little insightful. =[

You've just killed the funnies on the BBS by 80% with your departure. And who's the other 20%? Just most users in general who try to be funny and sometimes manage it.

Your big ol' thirty day ban kind of pissed me off. I still can't believe that they'd throw the book at someone who seems otherwise law abiding. I don't like the way this site is moderated. It's a mind field.

We... We'll always have Paris...


don't go :'(

Already left.



And you, my poor Kuro! Cursed with a loathsome interdiction from the hands of an angry mod!

Can you tell me where you're going so that I know or can still stay in contact with you? :'(


And I'll always be around. Just not on the BBS so much.

If something was to ever happen, I'll come back. I just don't feel like sifting through the filth anymore.

Awww :( you were one of the few users that could still make me laugh... I'm gonna miss you Ashford.

Yes you are.

Thought as much. I'll probably read your posts without even realizing it.
I always thought you had the humor of Player 1, so that was a fun thing for me thinking you were him.

I'm no Player 1...

There's no way that I could make that many jokes about Animal Crossing. I got like, three... Tops!

Like... I'd go to KK Slider... And ask him to play KK Freebird...


That's it.

It's somewhat sad to see you go, I liked your jokes.

Yet fleeting comfort will not ease the pain.

I've got over 15,000 posts. You couldn't have read them all...


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